Tuesday, January 06, 2004

a haiku a day...

For the new year I received a nice pocket calendar from one of the departments in my company. There are just enough lines for each day for very short entries, so I decided "why not write a haiku a day?" Well, I'm not sure I'll do it every day, but it makes for a more realistic new year's resolution than attempting to lose weight.

So here are the first six days of January 2004:

A new year's day
just like any other one
*shrug* oh, well, who cares?

Had to work today,
would have rather stayed at home.
So warm for winter!

Break-ups come too fast.
Family and friends alike
swept up in the storm.

Six inches of snow
piles up outside my front door.
Glad I don't shovel.

Snow glazes over
a world crying for more warmth.
The Ice Age is here.

He said he loved me;
I foolishly believed him--
a liar, like most men.

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